
Make a difference today with Shop by The Social Co.

Even in Singapore, food staples and daily essentials are not always easily accessed by needy families in our community and many could use our help. This Singapore-based digital platform now allows you to remotely purchase food and essentials for those in need by simply adding to cart and Checking Out what is in-Shop. Our team of volunteers will do the rest! By working closely with our local charities, our volunteers will make sure items are distributed where it’s needed and ensure that there's never any waste.

Our first charity partner is Jamiyah Food Bank who work to distribute food to the elderly, disabled, poor and needy, a necessary service particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jamiyah is the first of many eldercare charities that The Social Co. will be working with, and a community that we have a big heart for.


Don't Jatuh!

As Singapore continues to tackle the challenges of an aging population, The Social Co. believes that everybody can be more equipped to contribute if we better understood the societal issues that our elderly face.

Ever wondered what it's like to be elderly and living alone in Singapore? For just a few minutes, walk the game squares in their shoes and learn about some of the harsh realities our aunties and uncles go through day-to-day. How would you feel? How would you cope? What would you hope for?
